Email Us With Concerns Regarding Food Related Issues at [email protected] |
The Residential Affairs Committee has worked with Gene Castelli to make some major changes during the 2013 Spring Semester! We have been able to implement fresh produce in Thomson Store, and extend the Smith Dining Hall weekend hot breakfast hours from 11:00am -2:00pm to 10:30-2:00 pm. These two initiatives have been very successful. The first day Thomson had fresh berries for sale, they sold 45 boxes in 2 hours! Also, the first weekend of the new Smith Dining Hall breakfast hours, there was a significantly high turn out!
The Residential Affairs Committee has also worked for more communication between the Chartwells staff and the students. So, we implemented Chartwells Chats, so the students can eat with the Dining Director and give him feedback. Chartwells Chats are located during the noon hour in the faculty dining room. It is first come first serve for the first seven students who arrive, and lunch is free! We have also been working with Gene Castelli to implement a more effective comment card system, so the students can voice their opinions in a different media. Our plans for the future: We would like Chartwells staff to perfect the representation of cultural food on campus. We are working with them to get more authentic recipes of many different cultural foods on the menu. |